Monday 19 September 2011

Three... Nearly Killed Me

Was woken at 1 am by some stupid woman shouting at her dog and only had broken sleep after that.

7 am, alarm, and absolutely pouring down outside. By the time I had everything packed up and on the bike, I was soaked and hadn't even set off.

I was on the road for 8 and the sun did briefly appear, but from around 9.00 until I stopped just after 6.00 it was torrential rain and headwinds.
I only managed 60 miles (24 short of my target) at an average of less than 10 mph and had to detour to find a hotel. Almost everything is soaked, so will be getting hung up all over the room later...

Also... Nothing is open on Sundays in France. I've only had a pasty since I set off and really struggled to find water, (ironic given the rain) and just now, my mobile just packed in. The back was full of water.

All in all, today has been an absolute nightmare and mentally, it has smashed me right up, but I am impressed that I didn't swear at all while typing that...

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