Friday, 23 September 2011

Day Eight... What a Cheapskate

Brilliant day after an awful night. The rip off campsite in Zurich was full of "rad" snow boarders, that were there for a "totally awesome" freestyle competition and they didn't shut up all night. I couldn't leave quickly enough in the morning.

It was very overcast, which is great because its cool. (As in temperature, not snow boarder talk for "good"). The route pretty much followed Lake Zurich, so was almost completely flat, (I had only gone up 126ft in the first 31km). First stop of the day was at a Lidls. I bought some apple juice, fruit and meat, and sat in the car park scoffing it. Like a scantily clad tramp with an expensive bicycle, then cracked on.

The views just kept getting better and better, I felt like I was living in a postcard, although in the back of my mind, there was a voice saying, "You've got to go up that soon"...

"Soon" came at the afore mentioned 31km mark, lasted only another 6km, but went up 2412ft... very slowly. There were 9 hairpin bends, so it wasn't straight up thankfully, but I felt it when it was on the inside turn of the hairpins. It took me about an hour to get up, (not sure what the speed was), but I felt really good at the top. Much like my training, I find a level of knackeredness (that IS a word) and stay there, I don't get more tired, I just grind out the miles. So that bodes well for tomorrow. The mountain is 5 times higher, so I'll feel 5 times better...right?

Coming down was obviously even better, not pedalling for nearly half an hour. I did almost crash at one stage. I came through some trees into bright sunshine and the most amazing view of the lake. It LITERALLY took my breathe away, I was so awe struck I forgot to turn and almost went over the barrier and down the side. Luckily there were no cars either...

The campsite is ridiculous. I kept looking round and grinning, the view is stunning. I've attached the new screen saver on my phone and couldn't help send a wee video back to the office to gloat. If anyone is interested Google "See Camping, Welanstadt".

I've just had a BBQ on the beach, with a young couple who asked me to join them. Nadia and Michael. Nadia is staying here as she studies to be a Physiotherapist and Michael is doing his national service in the army. It is usually only 5 months, but he just became a lieutenant and has to do 20...haha, idiot. They were great though, (pic attached), and saved me walking into town to buy my own dinner... (Hence the Day Eight title).

Well, early night as I'm doing a Von Trapp tomorrow and legging it over a mountain.


World's Widest Cycle Path...All along Lake Zurich... Brilliant

See Camping, Welanstadt

Nadia and Michael

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