Friday, 16 September 2011

Day One Done

So... I've started. I have to say that today has been quite emotional. I really didn't enjoy saying goodbye to my daughter. I knew it was going to be the worst thing about going away, but it upset me more than I thought and made for a difficult start to the day.

I got to Stannah just after 8.00 am to find my hilarious workmates had got me new bike... one for a child of about 8 years old. It really made me laugh and helped relax me. A little crowd of about 20 people had been dragged out to see me off and we posed for some photos with some Italian flags and some Union flags as well as a Help for Heroes banner, it was quite amusing. I obviously still looked stressed because my friend Melody came and gave me a wee pep talk and a hug, which really helped. So I got on Keira, and the crowd counted down from 10 and I was on my way...

I only got about half an hour down the road and had to stop. My head was buzzing, I was just all over the place and really couldn't get it together. I pulled over, swapped a few texts with my sister, (she always says the right things) and then I I don't think I'd really taken in what I was about to do and it hit me like a train. I had a sit down, took in some fluids and hit the road.

It didn't take long to into my rhythm and pretty soon I was flying along and making good time. The ride was pretty uneventful, no near misses, good conditions and the only hard bit was going through Midhurst. The whole place is on a hill, has a stupid twisty, turny one way system with loads of stops because of traffic lights. It was a nightmare starting and stopping whilst going UPhill.

I did the 85 miles in seven and a half hours and feel good for it. Early start in the morning to catch my ferry, then its France and the continent...

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